Sabado, Hulyo 18, 2015

Lesson 2: An Overview To Educational Technology 2

Educational Technology 2 is concerned on Integrating Technology into Teaching and Learning. This is putting together technology into teaching and learning so that students will be equipped with skills in manipulating the computer. Educational Technology 2 focuses on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills so that students will be aware of using educational technology in instruction. It is also expected that Educational Technology 2 there will be a deeper understanding on the computer as well as hands on application of computer skills. and as we all know the really main goal of Educational Technology is helping students to adopt and meet rapid and continuing changes in information and communication technology (ICT) environment.

"Total experience" that is what is in my mind when I hear  Educational Technology 2. My experienced in educational technology 1 is just the beginning of my journey in the world of technology and as I start another chapter of my journey I will be encountering difficulties but as what I am always telling to myself, this is just a challenge. I will be experiencing more hands on application in the use of computers and that brings a big contribution in developing my computer skills so that I will not be left out by the rapid change brought by technology.

Technology is not only used for recreation and playing, but technology is one important tool that would enhance the way of teaching and acquiring knowledge for both the teachers and the learners. We are lucky that the integration of  technology into teaching and learning is now practice and included in the curriculum. With this, even pre-school student will learn the value and importance of computer and other technologies aside from the neophyte knowledge that a computer is only use for games and recreation.

As a future teacher, we should be equipped with computer skills so that there will a variability in teaching our students, we should always bare in mind that our students are diverse and it is a great challenge to the part of the teachers on how he/she will handle this kind of students he/she have. Teachers strategy is one of the factors that would affect the learning of the students. and I will end this with a question, are you up for the challenge?

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