Martes, Setyembre 22, 2015

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum


          Much Like field studies in teacher education, educational technology 2 offers students the experiential process of adapting to technology integration with in a student-centered paradigm. This is the practicum phase of the course at the end of the more theoretical lessons or inserted between lessons.

The practicum phase consist of hands-on computer tutorial which the students teacher or professional teacher-trainee will need to make him or her capable.

The essential requirements for the ET 2 practicum phase will be:

• A computer laboratory/ special computer classroom with adequate sets of computers for hands-on.
• Participation of computer laboratory tutors/ assistants- as the teachers technical assistants- to assist the learners in the use of computers and its various programs.
• Assigned numbers of hours in conformity with the course requirements. Tutorials are preferably done during week-ends in order to provide continuous hours of computer hands-ons trainings.

The practicum phase consists in:

1. Basic microsoft word (6 hrs)

The tutorial familiarities each individual learner to the basic of microsoft word. They will learn to use menus and toolbars and the software. They will be taught to type, edit and format text, sentences and paragraphs.

Tutorial coverage:

• Microsoft word menus and toolbars
• Creating, formatting and editing documents
• Assigning page layouts
• Inserting tabs and tablets
• Printing

Uppon successful completion the learner shall be able to:

• Create. Open and save document files
• Insert graphic tables and charts in documents
• Manage files and folder
• Apply format on the texts,sentences and paragraphs
• Inter link documents
• Create standar documents using templates

2. Microsoft PowerPoint (6hrs)

The tutorial is a familiarization on the basics of microsoft powerpoint. It will train the learners to prepare, PowerPoint presentations to enhance the teaching of subjects.


• PowerPoint fundamentals
• Enhancement of PowerPoint presentations with the use of graphics, chats and audio.
• Using templates and masters.
• Presenting and printing a slide show.

At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to:

• Create and open PowerPoint presentation
• Insert objects, charts and video in the powerpoint presentation.
• Use templates to enhance presentations.

3. Internet as tool of inquiry (4hrs)

The tutorial will facilitate the findings of sources of information appropriate to a learning tasks.

Course coverage:

• Accessing the internet
• Use of internet tools
• Search techniques

At the end of the tutorial. The learner will be able to:

• Search and retrieve information from the web.
• Acquire skills in locating appropriate information.
• Acquire abilities to use internet tools.
• Gain knowledge of search techniques.
• Learn the ability ti execute the search.


          I am blessed that i have given an opportunity to enrolled in EdTech 2 because I have learned a lot in this course, the knowledge that our teachers shared to us will never fade, EdTech 1 and 2 is just a starting point in enriching my skills in the field of technology for me to become an effective and an efficient teacher. Edtech taught me that change is the only constant thing in this world, that, we need to be at par of the constant change brought by the society. Preparing us for the world of competition and to the world of information. Well, I can say that having EdTech in our curriculum is a job well done.


In the end, I think that the goal of Educational Technology 2 meet the expectation of a future teacher like me - to use and apply the new trends of technology in teaching. Educational Technology 2, aims to have modern teachers that will teach modern students. To use the different technologies as a strategy in teaching, it will be more eefetive and pleasing to the students. As a future teacher, I must appreciate the broad benefits that the computer can bring in the lives of students and teachers.


              Educational Technology 2 aims to provide new teachers to use the new trend of technology in the teaching learning process of students. Educational technology 2 promises to bring the student teacher and the professional teacher trainee to the challenge of a new age-integrating technology in teaching-learning process. It is said to be the preparation for the future teachers to counteract with the challenges in teaching in this new generation. Beginning form Lesson 1 up to the end lesson we have learned that everything needs to be applied. Through practice everything would be perfect. And by knowing the basics you can then be able to understand on how to enter in a more complex program that can be more efficient in the educational system. 


2 komento:

  1. I just what to ask a single question. What are framework included in your curriculum in teaching educational technology?

  2. Now a day the term "Educational Technology" is being narrowed as the use of technological hardware in the learning environment. That's wrong!
