Martes, Setyembre 22, 2015

Lesson 10 : The Computer as a Tutor

           The computer is one of the wonders of human ingenuity; even in its original design in the 1950’s to carry out complicated mathematical and logical operations. With the invention of the microcomputer , the PC has become the tool for programmed information.
Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)

                The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving teacher of many activities in his personal role as classroom tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning environment controller. Even with the available computer and CAI software, the teacher must;

·Insure that students have the needed knowledge and skills for    any computer activity
·Decide the appropriate learning objectives
·Plan the sequential and structured activities to achieve objectives
·  Evaluate the students’ achievements by ways of tests the specific expected outcomes.

On the other hand, the student in CAI play their own roles as learners as they;

·         Receive information
·         Understand instruction for the computer activity
·         Retain/keep in mind the information and rules for the computer activity
·         Apply the knowledge and rules during the process of computer learning

During the computer activity proper in CAI the computer too plays its roles as it:

·         Act as a sort of tutor (the role traditional played by the teacher)
·        Provides a learning environment
·         Delivers learning instruction
·         Reinforces learning through drill and practice
·        Provides feedback

     Today, educators accept the fact that the computer has indeed succeeded in providing an individualized learning environment so difficult for a teacher handling whole classes. This is so, since the  computer able to  allow individual student to learn out their own pace, motivate learning through a challenging virtual learning environment, assist student through information needed during the learning process, evaluate student responses through immediate feedback during the learning process also give the total score to evaluate the student’s total performance.

CAI Integrated with Lesson

                CAI computer learning should not stop with the drill and practice activities of students in effect, CAI work best in reinforcing learning trough repetitive exercise such that student can practice basic skills or knowledge in various subject areas. Common types of drill and practice programs include vocabulary building, math facts, and basic science, and history or geography facts. In these programs, the computer presents a question/ problem the first and the student is asked to answer the question/problem. Immediate feedback is given to the student’s answer. After the number of practice problems and at the end of the exercise, the students get a summary of his overall performance.


  Simulation software materials are another kind of software that is constructivist in nature. This simulation software:

·       Teacher strategies and rules applied to real-life problems/situation
·       Ask students to make decision on models or scenarios
·      Allow students to manipulate elements of a model and get the experience of the effect of their decisions

           An example of such software is SimCity in which students are allowed to artificially manage a city environment. Decision-making involve such factors as budget, crime, education, transportation, energy resources, waste disposal, business/ industries available. (Note: soft ware may not be available on local computer shops. Still concept-learning is helpful).


                While relating to low level learning objectives (e.g. basic spelling or math skills), instructional computer games add the elements of competition and challenge.

                An example is GeoSafari which introduces adventure activities for Geography History and Science. The program can be played by up to four players to form teams. Learning outcomes can be achieved along simple memorization of information, keyboarding skills, cooperation and social interaction, etc.

                These are more sophisticated than the drill and practice exercises and allow students to learn and improve on their own problem solving ability. Since problems cannot be solved simply by memorizing facts, the students have to employ higher thinking skills such as logic, recognition, reflection, and strategy-making

                The Thinking Things 1 is an example of a problem solving software in which the team learners must help each other by observing comparing.


                The Multimedia Encyclopedia can score a huge database with text, images, animation, audio and video. Students can access any desired information, search it vast contents and even download/print relevant portions of the data for their composition or presentation. An example is the eyewitness children’s encyclopedia.


            I have been using computers for more than 10 years and I can see alot improvements and innovation in its application. Computers really hepls me alot especially in doing computer-aided requirements. My life would not be this easy if computers was not invented but sometimes computers or the use of computers will make us dependent, especially that easy access on internet is very rampant and evident. But, its up to you on how you will use the computers and the end it all matters on the user itself.


Computers can be a tutor. With the use of the internet, there's a lot of information that can be absorbed. Computer is one of the important things nowadays because it is very useful to the students. However, computers, eventhough they can be a tutor, they cannot replace the role of the teacher. Teachers can adjust to the new curriculum, computers must be enhanced to adjust to the new curriculum. In the future, we shall see the computer in schools as a common tool for enhancement of the student's thinking, communication and collaboration skills. Computers will become an integral component of the future classroom and not a mere machine that can deliver routine drills and exercises.


            The Computer is a tutor in this new age of learning. It does not replace the teacher, although it assumes certain roles previously assigned to teachers who now has to take the new role of facilitator and guide.
Also, computer activities are not the end-all of learning since they have to conform to the lesson/curriculum. Integrating computer exercises is the new task of the teacher who can find in the computer and computer software an alternative medium to the traditional classroom practice of delivering information and supporting learning activities.
In the years ahead, we shall see the computer in schools as a common tool for the enhancement of the student’s thinking, communication and collaboration skills. Computers will become an integral component of the future classroom and not a mere machine that can deliver routine drills and exercise.

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