Huwebes, Setyembre 24, 2015

Lesson 18:Tablets for Textbooks in Schools


           This lesson talks about the different between Textbook and Tablets. Tablets for learning is still futuristic, but today’s books are still the primary of medium instruction in must schools. These will be replace by digital technology reading tools, but the disadvantages of using books are backbreaking due to their weight and size. Publishing and printing millions of books are too much expensive. If there is an error information the technical mistakes and editorial lapses. The technology is being view as a saviour. Learning technology along other audio-visual aids in teaching learning process.


          I have been exposed to different books and tablets as well. But if i were to choose which is the best? Well, both or combination of the two will much better. Based on my experienced, I use the books at the same time the tablet. And using the both i think is advantageous because it really helps me a lot in my study. Tablets for convenience and books for detailed knowledge. Its up to you on what to prefer but I prefer to used both at the same time.

          For me, yes it can be replace the textbooks to tablets because during my high school years, carrying heavy books in the school is burdensome for me. Thanks to IT because it developed software which entail for us to be trained by the teachers in preparing interactive discussion. Tablets for school may be difficult but the books have more durability compared with electronic gadgets due to handling, energy charging, and heat and most lastly, technology is being viewed as our saviour.


Today, books are still the primary medium of instruction in most schools. Already, there is a disadvantage of using books for learning that are being debated upon. The errors in public school textbooks have also been exposed, errors resulting from wrong information, technical mistakes and editorial lapses.

Today, technology is being viewed as a saviour because the students are enamoured by computer games. By that, the educators have begun to think that the computer screen can very well serve as a power point educational medium.

In general, tablets as a primary learning tool can be replacing the textbooks. Tablets are conducive to higher thinking, constructive and participative teaching-and-learning. By that, parents gave full support to the IT advancement. Technology itself may be a key to problem resolution and Filipino ingenuity is called to respond to the challenge facing the digital generation of the millennium.


Martes, Setyembre 22, 2015

Lesson 17: Educational Technology 2 Practicum


          Much Like field studies in teacher education, educational technology 2 offers students the experiential process of adapting to technology integration with in a student-centered paradigm. This is the practicum phase of the course at the end of the more theoretical lessons or inserted between lessons.

The practicum phase consist of hands-on computer tutorial which the students teacher or professional teacher-trainee will need to make him or her capable.

The essential requirements for the ET 2 practicum phase will be:

• A computer laboratory/ special computer classroom with adequate sets of computers for hands-on.
• Participation of computer laboratory tutors/ assistants- as the teachers technical assistants- to assist the learners in the use of computers and its various programs.
• Assigned numbers of hours in conformity with the course requirements. Tutorials are preferably done during week-ends in order to provide continuous hours of computer hands-ons trainings.

The practicum phase consists in:

1. Basic microsoft word (6 hrs)

The tutorial familiarities each individual learner to the basic of microsoft word. They will learn to use menus and toolbars and the software. They will be taught to type, edit and format text, sentences and paragraphs.

Tutorial coverage:

• Microsoft word menus and toolbars
• Creating, formatting and editing documents
• Assigning page layouts
• Inserting tabs and tablets
• Printing

Uppon successful completion the learner shall be able to:

• Create. Open and save document files
• Insert graphic tables and charts in documents
• Manage files and folder
• Apply format on the texts,sentences and paragraphs
• Inter link documents
• Create standar documents using templates

2. Microsoft PowerPoint (6hrs)

The tutorial is a familiarization on the basics of microsoft powerpoint. It will train the learners to prepare, PowerPoint presentations to enhance the teaching of subjects.


• PowerPoint fundamentals
• Enhancement of PowerPoint presentations with the use of graphics, chats and audio.
• Using templates and masters.
• Presenting and printing a slide show.

At the end of the tutorial, the learner will be able to:

• Create and open PowerPoint presentation
• Insert objects, charts and video in the powerpoint presentation.
• Use templates to enhance presentations.

3. Internet as tool of inquiry (4hrs)

The tutorial will facilitate the findings of sources of information appropriate to a learning tasks.

Course coverage:

• Accessing the internet
• Use of internet tools
• Search techniques

At the end of the tutorial. The learner will be able to:

• Search and retrieve information from the web.
• Acquire skills in locating appropriate information.
• Acquire abilities to use internet tools.
• Gain knowledge of search techniques.
• Learn the ability ti execute the search.


          I am blessed that i have given an opportunity to enrolled in EdTech 2 because I have learned a lot in this course, the knowledge that our teachers shared to us will never fade, EdTech 1 and 2 is just a starting point in enriching my skills in the field of technology for me to become an effective and an efficient teacher. Edtech taught me that change is the only constant thing in this world, that, we need to be at par of the constant change brought by the society. Preparing us for the world of competition and to the world of information. Well, I can say that having EdTech in our curriculum is a job well done.


In the end, I think that the goal of Educational Technology 2 meet the expectation of a future teacher like me - to use and apply the new trends of technology in teaching. Educational Technology 2, aims to have modern teachers that will teach modern students. To use the different technologies as a strategy in teaching, it will be more eefetive and pleasing to the students. As a future teacher, I must appreciate the broad benefits that the computer can bring in the lives of students and teachers.


              Educational Technology 2 aims to provide new teachers to use the new trend of technology in the teaching learning process of students. Educational technology 2 promises to bring the student teacher and the professional teacher trainee to the challenge of a new age-integrating technology in teaching-learning process. It is said to be the preparation for the future teachers to counteract with the challenges in teaching in this new generation. Beginning form Lesson 1 up to the end lesson we have learned that everything needs to be applied. Through practice everything would be perfect. And by knowing the basics you can then be able to understand on how to enter in a more complex program that can be more efficient in the educational system. 

Lesson 16: The Internet and Education

The Internet, also simply called the Net is the largest and far-flung network system of all systems. The Internet is not really a network but a loosely organized collection of about 25,000 networks accessed by computers on the planet.

           Everything is coordinated in the Internet through a standardized protocol called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). To gain access to the Internet, The computer must be equipped with what is called a Server which has a special software program that uses the Internet protocol.

           The great attraction of the Internet is that once the sign-up fees are paid, there are no extra charges. E-mail for example is free regardless of amount use. The vast sea o information now in the Internet is an overwhelming challenge to those who wish to navigate it. The most attractive way to move around the Internet is called browsing. Using a program called the browser, the user can use a mouse to point and click on screen icons  to surf the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, an Internet's subset of text, images and sounds are linked together to allow users to access data or information needed.

            Educational software materials have also developed both in sophistication and appeal. But the real possibility today is connecting with the world outside homes, classrooms and Internet cafes. Today schools are gearing up to take advantage of Internet access.


          Internet and Education are like brothers and sisters they help one another to maintain the bond and to enrich it. In my case, internet contributed a lot in pursuing education because through internet I can easily access information that is relevant to my field of expertise. Internet is very rampant today, where ever you are and whatever you are, internet is always there. Education is just one word but it encompasses Knowledge, Skills, Values, Attitude and Practice. Internet is just also one word but it can reach beyond the level of comprehension of the human brain. See, they are connected. But, we should always bare in minds that these two words have its on limitations and disadvantages. Know your stand.


          Imagine a world without the Internet. We all know we can't imagine such a world. The Internet is one of the reason why the world is the world we know today, a digital world. It is useful, convenient and effective. Name it and the Internet can give you access to it. I'm not exaggerating here but my point is that the Internet gives people access to different information beyond borders, connecting lives and linking vast networks of people and culture who shares a common interest. The Internet for me is a powerful innovation of man, and made for the use of man.


Internet and Education are two differnt terms but they are associated with each other. Internet has provide a gateway for Education to better gather more information and acquisition of knowledge for both teachers and students. It has also provide various connections among schools and other learning agencies in order to come up with a common goal and that is for the sake og the learners. Internet is indeed a great contribution in the field of Education
Lesson 15: Understanding Hypermedia

          Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as an educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment. Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include:

  • Tutorial software packages
  • Knowledge webpages
  • Simulation instructional games
  • Learning project management, and others
The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills.
Characteristics of hypermedia applications:

1. Learner control- the learner makes his own decisions on the path, flow of events of instruction.

2. Learner wide range of navigation routes- the learner has a wide range of navigation routes such as by working on concepts he is already familiar with. He may even follow a linear or logical path, even if the previous activity is half-completed. He may explore other sections opting to return or complete the previous activity.

3. Variety of media- Hypermedia includes more than one media (text, graphics, audio, animation and video clip) but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation. Since only virtual learning activity takes place, it is important from the standpoint of the teacher to optimize the learning process by identifying the characteristics of media application, as well as the advantages and limitations of such an application.


          I like the concept in hypermedia especially in the part of the students, because me, myself as a students it is very important that sometimes we need to construct an idea in our own because through that we are able to develop critical thinking skills as well as creative skills since in involves virtual learning environment. Hypermedia is effective for both the teacher and the student as long as there is free flow of learning or shall we say helping one another towards achieving one common goal. I have been exposed to many educational computer software and so far it is effective and efficient to me. But, remember that all the hypermedia are just aid for instruction it should not replace the role of the teacher.

           Hypermedia provides personalized learning activities as it helps those slow and poor learners. It gives activities suited to your learning objectives and needs. It presents variety of media that will really cater those fast and slow learners. Whereas in a traditional teaching methods, the teacher would take extra time, attention and effort to help the students who are slow in understanding the lessons. With that it gives teacher a hard time to develop new strategies and objectives for both fast and slow learners. So, it is really beneficial for the teacher to use hypermedia. It is also then possible for a teacher to let his students search, explore and discover in a traditional classroom. But with that, you need to provide the student an event to apply the learning, resources and materials as well as much time since the teacher has to take into consideration each one especially the slow learners.
        Hypermedia is really helpful for both the learner and the teacher but traditional learning does not mean no improvement on the student. It is still the best way for a nation which is not more particular or do not find it a need with using computers and information technology in boosting their economic status. Let us remember, computers have limitations and disadvantages too!


As we all know effective teaching and learning now a days is not just giving students information through visual aids or using chalk and board. Hypermedia which is an audiovisual package is a big help for teachers to make their presentations not just attractive but also easy to understand by the students. Also, teachers can let their students to use hypermedia in their learning activities that can enhance students thinking skills.

  As a future teacher we are lucky to experienced the beneficial effects of using computer. Like this hypermedia a virtual learning process but using this we should understand that hypermedia in educational context  are used in order to ensure the successful integration in the learning process.This hypermedia application will serves as an instructional materials to motivate the students to learn. Using this application we should know the advantages and limitations to become effective.   



          The computer hardware can hardly be useful without the program or system that tells what the computer machine should do. This is also called the software. There are two kinds of software: the systems software, which is the operating software that is found or bundled inside all computer machines; and applications software, which contains the system that commands a particular task or solves a particular problem. In turn, the applications software may be; a custom software that is made for specific tasks often by large corporations, or a commercial software packaged for personal computers that helps with a variety of tasks such as writing papers, calculating numbers, drawing graphs, playing games, and so much more.
          Microsoft Windows also referred to as a program,  is an operating environment between the user and the computer operating system. Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained operating system which provides user convenience, a new look, information center, and plug and play configurations.

        Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software shops or dealers.  But beware since computer-based instructional materials need much improvement, while web-based educational resources are extremely good or what is complete garbage.


            Well, in terms of software, i am not left behind because i have been exposed also to different kinds of software which I think is very important especially that in helps me in constructing knowledge and finding solutions on my own. Software is important for me because in helps me enrich my understanding and it also helps me in developing my creativity skills. I find software as challenging and enjoyable, experiencing new things is awesome.


In using the computer, software is being used. There are software for entertainment, business, and also for education and instruction. Software is important because the computer is useless without it. It cannot function in the way that we know if there is no software, nor it can be useful to us. Choosing appropriate and updated educational software as teaching material is the responsibility of the teacher and the school. Somehow, learning is quite interesting when educational software is used.  


        The computer has paved the way for learning in a new light. It has given human race a lot of advantages from the time it has been invented.  Now the computer has been used widely and optimally in educational settings. Most of the educational materials used by the teachers nowadays are web-based software. It is attractive with colourful graphics, sounds and videos; so catching that you really want to download it.

Lesson 13: Cooperative Learning with the Computer



Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task. It is often also called group learning but to be truly cooperative learning, 5 elements are needed:
1. common goal
2. interdependence
3. interaction
4. individual accountability
5. social skills

Cooperative Learning and the Computer 

Researchers have made studies on the learning interaction between the student and the computer. The studies have great value since it has been a long standing fear that the computer may foster student learning in isolation that hinders the development of the student's social skills.Now this mythical fear has been contradicted by the studies which show that when students work with computers in groups.


            Well, i have been exposed to cooperative learning with the computer many times especially that there are times when i didn’t know how to manipulate certain things. I can see that cooperative is advantageous because two heads are better than one and you are just aiming for one common goal or objectives to attain. I have been teaching also basics knowledge of computer to those who haven’t know yet to manipulate it. It is just an echange of ideas, being open minded and the willingness to learn and to teach.]



It is a good lesson to be discussed, because I know that cooperative learning makes learners learn more. Technology like computer makes studies easier. So that, if the learners collaborates with the computer the more the knowledge will be acquired by the learners. In summary, collaborates with computer makes the learning easier and meaningful. In here, the action of each student affects the others in a group. Cooperative learning is an affective strategy that can be use to integrate in the computer activities to promote the competencies of the learners.


The computer is a natural learning vehicle for cooperative learning. It promotes cooperation and collaboration within students working on a same task, also it develops enthusiasm and a sense of belonging between individual within a group  who shares a common goal. Every individual is given a sense of responsibility to do his part in achieving the goal. Each responsibility is important for the other members where each result is interdependent with each other to achieve a good overall result. Social skills are also develop while students interact with each other, boosting their self - esteem. 

Lesson 12: Information Technology in Support of Student- Centered Learning

          The idea of student-centered learning is not a recent idea. In fact, as early as the 20th century, educational educators such as John Dewey argued for highly active and individualized pedagogical methods which place the student at the center of the teaching-learning process.

The Traditional Classroom

It may be observed that classrooms are usually arranged with neat columns and rows of student chairs or desks, while the teacher stands in front of the classroom or sits behind his table. This situation is necessitated by the need to maintain classroom discipline, also allows the teacher to control classroom activities through lecture presentation and teacher-led discussions.
Noticeably, however, after spending so many minutes in lesson presentation and class management, students can get restless and fidgety. Often enough, the teacher has to also manage misbehaviour in class as students start to talk among themselves or simply stare away in lack of attention.

The SCL Classroom

          John Dewey has described traditional learning as a process in which the teacher pours information to student learners, much like pouring water from a jug into cups. This is based on the long accepted belief that the teacher must perform his role of teaching so that learning can occur. This learning approach is generally known as direct instruction, and it has worked well for obtaining many kinds of learning outcomes. The problem with it is that the approach in learning, however, is the fact that the world’s societies have began to change. It may not be felt strongly to countries in which on countries who depends mostly their economy to factory workers. Traditional and direct instruction is very useful in these countries.

          In contrast, industrialized societies we find knowledge-based economies in which workers depend on information that can be accessed through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.


          Information technology is helping alot in a classroom to be student-centered, just like in my case, through Information technology i am involved in the teaching-learning process or shall we say I am constructing my own idea because i am involved. If we involved our students in the teaching-learning process there is a greater probability that the students will learn best. For me, if i am involve in the teaching-learning process I can easily understand topic as well as i can easily remember the topics presented and there is what we call meaningful learning. The IT really supports the student-centered learning especially that there are so many software in where in requires the involvement of the student just like simulation games, virtual learning and etc.


          SCL environment is very useful especially if a nation wants to progress and develop. There are some schools here in the Philippines who already adopted the SCL environment in instruction. Others object from it since they think that and SCL can be noisy and unwieldy.

          As we all know, in the traditional classroom, a teacher can discipline and manage his/her students. The teacher in that has always the first and final say in the lesson. But the difference is that in the traditional classroom, a student can sometimes feel intimidated and bored since it is always the voice of the teacher who echoes most of the time and leads the discussion. While in a SCL environment, it gives students the venue to interact with each other, be motivated as everyone can participate and enjoy. It can be as noisy as it is, but it gives the students independence and self-awareness. It does not mean that in a SCL, the teacher can no longer do classroom management. The teacher still is the one more knowledgeable than his/her students, but he do not anymore act as the teacher who do talking most of the times, but he/she is now a facilitator, open to ideas, problems and resolutions from his/her students. I believe that SCL is fun, memorable and healthy just like training or a workshop.


It just likes the battle of the old and the modern method of teaching wherein the both side is a process that the student must be learned. In other way, teacher must think what is good method he will use to the student to be more effective in teaching. Once the students are engage with any material or method that caught their interest they are willing and actively participating the class discussion and teacher and easily evaluate the performance of the student.

Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICT's. Their students have now become active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.

Lesson 11: The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool


            In the previous lesson, we saw how the computer can act as a tutor, particularly along a behaviorist and cognitive approach to learning. But we also saw how certain computer software programs have been developed to foster higher thinking skills and creativity
            In this lesson, we shall again look at the computer, but this time from another perspective, the computer as the teacher’s handy-tool. It can in fact support the constructivist and social constructivist paradigms of constructivist learning.

 Constructivist was introduced by Piaget (1981) and Bruner (1990). They gave stress to knowledge discovery of new meaning/concepts/principles in the learning process. Various strategies have been suggested to foster knowledge discovery, among these, is making students engaged in gathering unorganized information from which they can induce ideas and principles. Students are also asked to apply discovered knowledge to new situations, a process for making their knowledge applicable to real life situations.

While knowledge is constructed by the individual learner in constructivism, knowledge can also be socially constructed. Social constructivism. This is an effort to show that the construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical and cultural contexts. In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives in.

The psychologist Vygotsky stressed that learning is affected by social influences. He therefore suggested the interactive process in learning. The more capable adult (teacher or parent) or classmate can aid or complement what the learner sees in a given class project. In addition, Dewey sees language as a medium for social coordination and adaptation. For Dewey human learning is really human languaging that occurs when students socially share, build and agree upon meanings and knowledge.


            I have been exposed to a series of reporting that helps me alot in boosting my confidence and measuring how far is my understanding but i cannot deny that computer is really one factor that helps me in achieving my objectives. Computers, in fact, makes my lesson easier because through computer software I can make powerpoint presentation, I can show a video relating to my topic and I can share to them my creativity skills as well in using the computer. Computers makes the work easier and accessible but it is also dramatic and detrimental to human.


           The computer serves as a teacher's tool in the sense that the educators used computers as their instructional materials in supplementing the cognitive development of learners when it comes to technology.  Computer has a great help for both the teachers and the learners, for the teachers it facilitate their instructional methods and improve their instructional materials; for the learners it contributes a lot in their cognitive development and learning experiences.


The computer has provided as different uses, gives us advantages and convenience. The trend nowadays is information technology which makes use the computer in all its applications. Computers have been already used in schools to provide and facilitate students’ learning. It is obvious that even the youngest generation knew about it and how it is being used. Student’s make their assignments, create projects, and do researches with the use of computer. It really seemed that our present civilization is dependent on computers. It is in anyway advantageous if used wisely and purposely.