Sabado, Agosto 8, 2015

Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

Education is the function of Knowledge, Attitudes, Values, Practice and Skills. Teachers are called not just to share their knowledge but also to let his/her students develop skills that are very useful in today's generation. The 3R’s includes Reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic and this are called Literacy skills. But, in terms of technology literacy is not use instead fluency will be used. Talking about fluency, there are 6 Fluencies that we need to develop or to be mastered for us to be called literate person of the 21st century. The six fluencies includes: Information fluency, solution fluency, collaboration fluency, creativity fluency, media fluency and digital ethics. This fluencies are not that easy to master especially if you are an alien to technology but there are teachers who will guide, facilitate and teach you one by one on how to develop those fluencies. You will not be left behind and there will be no Generation Gap.
In terms of experience, well, i am engaged already with different activities that helps me develop digital skills. But that journey is not easy because you already have the knowledge and skills but how about the resources? Do you have? . Well, I don't have but I'm resourceful and I have initiatives. Resources is very important but it sometimes a hindrance for you not to master such skills. But, if there is an  eagerness to learn then there’s a way to learn.
Somebody asked me, “ Do you have all of those Fluency?”. It took me a while to answer the question because my life before was totally computer illiterate and its very hard because you are left out by the change brought by technology. So, i answered “ Not all but atleast i have”. I don't have all of those fluencies but it is a challenge for me to really have it all. As a future teacher, I need to acquire those fluencies because you cannot teach if you dont have. A big challenge awaits for me but I will face it with passion because I choose to become a teacher then I will die a teacher.
Since it talks about developing basic digital skills then theory is not enough. There should be application of what you have learned. Teachers as we will become, hands-on activity is much applicable if we really what our students to develop digital skills. Employ performance-based activities, involve our students in the learning-teaching process, with that, total learning will be achieved. Never forget also the digital skills, always tell your students the value or importance of this skills. Guide them to use this in a proper way because it might be bane if not facilitated.

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