Linggo, Agosto 9, 2015

Lesson 9: Computers as Information and Communication Technology

Through computer technology, educators saw the amplification of learning along computer literacy. Much like reading, the modern student can now interact with computer messages; even respond to question or to computer commands. Again, much like writing, the learner can form messages using computer language or program. Instructional media consist of audio-visual aids that served to enhance and enrich the teaching- learning process. Examples are the blackboard, photo, film and video. On the other hand, educational communication media comprise the media of communication to audiences including learners using the print, film, radio and television or satellite means of communication. For example, distance learning were implemented using correspondence, radio, television or the computer satellite system.

Through ICT we can explore software and use what we  learn to solve problems and present ideas, thoughts, or information. We can also enjoy exploring and using technologies to communicate with others within and beyond our place of learning and we can enjoy taking photographs or recording sound and images to represent our experiences and the world around us.

The use of ICT has become an integral part of our society. Mainly, the computer, the Internet and social media had become a huge part in different aspects of the society; economy, industry, and education. In teaching, ICT is very useful in the sense that information and communication are important elements in teaching. As teachers, we share and give information to our students during instruction. And to be able to deliver this information, effective communication is important. Through the use of ICT,  teachers and students can share and communicate information outside the classroom environment. It can be a tool for information gathering, storing, and communication. The vast capabilities of the computer and ICT are useful and essential in the world today, for it can shrink the global world and we can easily connect with different people from far distance.

The main purpose of ICT in education is generally to familiarize the learners with the use of technology or working with computers.  It also enabled learning through multiple intelligence like simulation games, this enables active learning through all sense.  ICT is not only for learners it is also for educators and nowadays,  ICT should evolve in education because it serves as an educational or instructional materials that supplement the needs of the learners when it comes to technology.

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

In this lesson, there are four  types of IT-Based projects which can effectively be used in order to engage students in activities of a higher plane of thinking. Resource-based projects which talks about  to go beyond the textbook and curriculum materials; Simple creations in where creating is more consonant with planning, making, assembling, designing, or building; Guided hypermedia projects in where  the learner may follow his path of activities thereby providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills; and Web-based projects in where students can be made to create and post webpages on a given topic.

            By the use of IT based project we developed higher order thinking skills to our students that lets the students to organize their mind, giving problems and let them formulate ideas that could resolved it. The use of IT based project which lets the students facilitate their own thinking and making them more competence. The best example to site for this is during Educational Technology 1 when we are task to use the Cyberlink Power Director to make our own short film.

            We should know that the use of IT based project isn't just the way to achieve higher thinking skills. As a teacher we should know how to use the available resources that usable outside or inside in the classroom to acquire knowledge special to some areas where technology is not yet introduce very well. We should all know that technology is not a replacement to us teacher but it as tool. Developing higher order thinking skills still lies to us teacher and how we handle our students.

            The  use of technology today in the classroom is kind of common in some reasons that it could make their lesson easier and faster. We should always bare on our mind that the use of technology is not for the sake of the convenience that it gives us teacher but also to promote conducive teaching and learning process to our students.

Sabado, Agosto 8, 2015

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning
The standard student evaluation of learning must change. This justified by the fact that not only has the new generation changed into digital learners, but the traditional world has metamorphosed into a digital world. As efforts are exerted to go digital in instruction, we need also to go digital learning assessment. Assessment need to conform, not with the literacy of the past century but the new literacy of the 21st century. This is a literacy that uses digital tools in preparing students to face a high-tech world.  Teachers must adopt a new mindset both for instruction and evaluation. Evaluation must be geared to assessment of essential knowledge and skills so that learners can function effectively, productively, and creatively in a new world.

When Compared on how student evaluation is done, the traditional and new generation have difference on such issue. As we face the new challenges brought by digital world, the standard student evaluation of learning must change. We need more experienced on how to evaluate technology learning because this will help alot in fairness and appropriateness of assessment technique. In addition, educators must truly adopt a new mindset both for instruction and evaluation. There is truly a significant need for evaluation to be use as evaluative tools that measure the basic skills of the 21st century digital culture, namely: solution, information, collaboration, creative, media and digital ethics. Therefore, educators should stick to modernized and standardized ways of evaluation techniques to successfully cater the needs of digital learners when it comes to evaluation purposes.

In reflection to the lesson, 21st century evolves from being nothing to something. It is truly amazing that today we are developing the effective and efficient way of evaluating through the use of evaluative tools. As future educators, we should put in our mind that as time goes by, everything will change and we have to adapt ourselves from these changes because this could help us to develop and achieve a new mindset of instructing and evaluating.

As teacher, we want to be flexible, analytical and creative in our own way of teaching in teaching process. Teachers facilitate and evaluate students with the use of technology learning. For attaining the goals of teacher and students teaching process, the evaluation of technology learning helps us to know the use of computer-based technologies as an integral support to higher learning process. In our modern world of teaching, digital technologies is very important tool especially in educational technology subject. We use technology not only for fun but also for academic purposes. Now a day, many efficient teachers use the modern technologies in computing grades, power point presentation with the help of educational media. The learning from verbal-textual text to digital world is become complex in the old generation compare to the new generation who equip in the use of modern technology. Although some teacher in rural areas of school. The use of digital in teaching is fewer. Above them all the most important thing in evaluation of technology learning is the proper way of usage of educational media and to learn to use and evaluate the outcomes.
Lesson 6: Developing Basic Digital Skills

Education is the function of Knowledge, Attitudes, Values, Practice and Skills. Teachers are called not just to share their knowledge but also to let his/her students develop skills that are very useful in today's generation. The 3R’s includes Reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic and this are called Literacy skills. But, in terms of technology literacy is not use instead fluency will be used. Talking about fluency, there are 6 Fluencies that we need to develop or to be mastered for us to be called literate person of the 21st century. The six fluencies includes: Information fluency, solution fluency, collaboration fluency, creativity fluency, media fluency and digital ethics. This fluencies are not that easy to master especially if you are an alien to technology but there are teachers who will guide, facilitate and teach you one by one on how to develop those fluencies. You will not be left behind and there will be no Generation Gap.
In terms of experience, well, i am engaged already with different activities that helps me develop digital skills. But that journey is not easy because you already have the knowledge and skills but how about the resources? Do you have? . Well, I don't have but I'm resourceful and I have initiatives. Resources is very important but it sometimes a hindrance for you not to master such skills. But, if there is an  eagerness to learn then there’s a way to learn.
Somebody asked me, “ Do you have all of those Fluency?”. It took me a while to answer the question because my life before was totally computer illiterate and its very hard because you are left out by the change brought by technology. So, i answered “ Not all but atleast i have”. I don't have all of those fluencies but it is a challenge for me to really have it all. As a future teacher, I need to acquire those fluencies because you cannot teach if you dont have. A big challenge awaits for me but I will face it with passion because I choose to become a teacher then I will die a teacher.
Since it talks about developing basic digital skills then theory is not enough. There should be application of what you have learned. Teachers as we will become, hands-on activity is much applicable if we really what our students to develop digital skills. Employ performance-based activities, involve our students in the learning-teaching process, with that, total learning will be achieved. Never forget also the digital skills, always tell your students the value or importance of this skills. Guide them to use this in a proper way because it might be bane if not facilitated.

Lesson 5: Preferences of the Technology Generation

What the old generation likes may not be the same as what the new generation prefers in their life, work and leisure. Sad to say, much of the good things enjoyed by elders when they were students are no longer available to the new generation. In the field of education, it is important that critical differences between old and young which create a generation gap need to be discussed. The old generation has availed of slow and single-track pattern of activities. Life has been comfortably, slower for oldies as they watch and follow televison tele nobelas. On the other hand, the new genration is exposed to quick flicking video games, mobile phone texting, socializing through the social Web sites, and downloading text/music/photos/video with adeptness and task-switching speed. This is the comparison of the old and young generations.
I belong to the young generation in where I am a social learner rather than an independent learner. I learned through socializing with others, sharing ideas and experiences that helps me become a better student. I prefer learning to do rather than learning to past the test. Honestly, to past the test is really my goal but i do believe that you can only past the test if and only if you've learned alot, acquired the skills and knowledge.
There is no such thing as generation gap if you yourself will be open for a change and you keep in moving forward. I, myself, I wont allow to have a bridge between the young and the old, we need to help each other. Learn from others, give and take should be there. If you allow to build a gap then it will be so hard for you to keep moving because you are left out already. But it is not the only factors that will create a gap. School facilities is one also, the readiness of the school facilities and equipments as well as man-power could me a contributor to generation gap. Schools and teachers should help hand-hand to give a quality education to the students, with the help and support  of the parents and government as well.

Since the new generation are expected to face a future professional challenge of a digital world ahead of them, technology-supported skills need to be taught in schools today, or else schools will become a white elephant. Is schools fails to respond to emergent changes and needs, new learners as well old learners may lose appreciation of the educational system, and drop out of school.Learning at home and availing digital learning systems like the open universities may save the day, but the situation remains bleak for schools stolidly adhering to the old educational system.